Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Raw/Living food - Day 3

Today I really made some bad eating choices. The day started well with my yoga work out followed up by some vegetable juice for breakfast. Then my husband remembered that there are some fun buffets around on Wednesday, and we are never both home on a Wed, so we should take advantage of that and go try one. I feel so horrible saying no to him about going out to eat all the time so I didn't even put up a fuss. I think that's the part of this that makes me the most frustrated with myself is that it really was not what I wanted to eat but I hate disappointing my husband so I went along with it. I just want to make him happy and it really sucks when making him happy has to make me unhappy in some way. So I went to the buffet and even though I tried not to over-eat, I totally failed. I really noticed a huge difference in my energy level after that meal. We went to a store immediately after and I was so groggy I was nearly falling asleep in the aisles. When we got home, I took a nap from 2 pm until 5 pm!! 3 hours of nap time all because of one overly large meal!

I ate raw food then for dinner, so I stuck with my 2/3's raw meals for the day. I had my left overs from the sweet potato and beet pasta with pesto sauce, and it was still very tasty, but still too much food! I have some left now for tomorrow's lunch which means I'm going to end up getting 3 meals out of it! I think that's fantastic and helps cut down on the prices so much. I love eating the beets and sweet potato for pasta and I can't wait to try this with other pasta sauces.

After lunch, we had gone out to our Whole Foods store, which isn't super far, but it definitely isn't close to us either. We just wandered around and looked without buying anything. I saw a lot of things I wanted but it was mostly all way more expensive than I thought it would be. $9.99 for a bottle of agave nectar... $7.99 for a jar of raw honey... I can't bring myself to justify those prices right now for a sweetener so I'm going to just be leaving that out for a bit. Maybe in another week or 2 when I sort of get a handle on the cooking I'm going to be doing and the amount of things I'll be needing, I'll be able to make one of those work into the budget. The vegetable prices there were more reasonable than I expected them to be. The bunches of organic kale were only $2.99! We may be stopping by there more often. I just wish it was as little bit closer to our house.

Okay, on to the really shocking news. Today I woke up this morning and was half way down the stairs with the dog when it suddenly dawned on me - there was almost no pain in my right foot! My plantar fasciitis pain was nearly gone! It was a glorious day!! I don't know how much really can be credited to the raw food, but I am certain some credit has to go to it. I've been stretching and wearing my insoles for weeks and have had very little results. I've also been icing a lot over the past week or 2 and have not seen any change. I think I'm being healed by raw foods!! My left ankle is still a problem, as are all my other small issues, knees, hips, ect. But it's a start! Through out the day the foot was better and worse randomly. I can't wait to see how it's doing again tomorrow. I am also down another pound so I've got 43 more to lose. I will be surprised if I keep that pound off when I weigh in tomorrow though, after my behavior at the pizza buffet. But we'll see, and tomorrow is another day where I can go further on my raw food journey!

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