Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Ahhh @!#P$ insurance companies!!

GAH I am so frustrated! I just went round in circles what felt like a billion times with my insurance company. My insurance with them ends tomorrow and all I need is a statement that shows that fact. I call and the lady says no, you need to call this number instead. So I call them and that number is only for Cobra benefits?! That's not what I need. I call back (and get the same dippy lady again, I think) and I try to explain my problem in different terms. She says I need to be transfered to the benefits department. The person that answers there treats me as if I'm the dumbest freak on the planet because I was transfered to her because her number CLEARLY isn't the right one. She gives me another number to call and tells me to also contact my HR department. I call the number she gives me and it's for Time Warner employees only?!?!?! SERIOUSLY?!? Okaayyy. I give in and call my HR dept at work, and of course, my lovely HR rep isn't there, rarely was when I worked there either. I leave a message for her but I really doubt I'll be hearing from her any time soon. All I want is one damn piece of paper that shows I no longer have coverage with them! How can this honestly be so difficult?

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