Sunday, May 4, 2008

Weekday Warrior?

With my company going under, it looks like I only have a month or so left of work there. Until then, I don't really have much actual 'work' to do. Maybe 2-3 hours every day, but that is if I'm working reaaaaaally slow. So the powers that be have said that 2 of us are allowed to go home at noon every day, and the 3rd person must stay until at least 4 pm, just in case something comes up. However, we are 'working from home', so we are still getting paid for this time off.

It's awesome :D

I've decided that while my work is paying me to go home at noon, I'm going to use this time to go home and get paid by my company to do work around the house. I'm going to be a weekday warrior, instead of a weekend warrior. There are so many little projects that need to be done and I'm excited to finally have the time to do it (Plus still getting the paycheck).

I'm starting in the master bathroom. We never repainted it after moving into the house. The bathroom is painted a plain, neutral color. It just never was really a big deal. The other 2 bathrooms are perfect and adorable but this one is just functional and nothing else.

When the asshole previous owners painted the bathroom walls before moving out, they also were kind enough to paint all over the shower tiles, the electrical outlets, the light switches, the wood molding around the doors and the towel hanging rods. Fabulous. Thanks, jerks.

I did a bit of research a while ago about paint remover chemicals, but since we have a little dog who gets into everything, we were nervous about how to use them safely around her. So it ended up being too complicated for me to figure out, so I abandoned the project.

But now that I've got time to deal with it, I've started it up again with a passion. I decided to look into non-chemical ways to remove the paint, if possible. I took a nail file to the bathroom tiles and used it to scrape at the paint. It's slow, hard and tedious, but it really works and doesn't seem to damage the tiles at all. So far, I've cleaned off 12 tiles. 17 still to go. But it's a start :D

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